Monday, August 27, 2007

Shrunken Head

It was about 11:30 in the night when the on-call cell phone started ringing, and I was the only health officer on site. I was thinking "Oh Gawd!" and rolling over in bed fumbling for the phone and preparing for the worst. (I'm always afraid of the worst at night...)

I hit the button and said (as perky as I drowsy could..) "Hello?"

A ladie's voice on the other end said "Does our head shrink?"

Now, I was thinking I needed some more information on that, so I said "Hon, what do you mean?"
She said "The hood of my coat keeps flopping down in my face! This is the same coat I had last winter! I was wonedring if cancer makes your head shrink because I can't keep my hood out of my face!"
ok - this is where I'm smiling a great big Hee-Haw smile - but I know this lady and I said "Hon, have you been wearing your hair different lately?"
There was a pregnant pause.
A moment later she said "You know, I have been wearing my hair on the sides lately instead of up in the back..."

That was the easiest midnight call I ever had; and as usual, I got credit for being a miracle worker -

Good night big hair ladies - wherever you are!

Yours in the "Natural State",

Dr. Karl Buchanan

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